MH Disc Centrifuge Separator with ISO Approved
Product Description
Myande MH disc Centrifuge Separator is widely used in starch processing for starch milk pre-concentration, starch milk washing and concentration and, protein dewatering and concentration.
Product Features And Characteristics
1. Unique hanging-type driving mechanism eliminating axle load on the shaft and bearings and thus effectively increasing working life.
2. Maximized disc and rotating drum sizes -- leading to increased capacity and ensuring excellent separation efficiency.
3. Large-size nozzles complete with cam-lock device minimizing blockage possibilities and enabling long-time continuous separation.
4. High precision dynamic balancing process adopted in rotor fabrication process ensuring smooth rotation and running.
5.Temperature sensors on each bearing providing real-time monitoring of bearing condition.
6. Vibration sensor on the main shaft assembly providing real time monitoring of operational parameters.
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